Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Your part in any story will only be as big as YOU make it.

Most of you have put a lot of work into discovering the truth. I've told you before that neither I or gamem8ker would ever hold one above another. However some of you believe that only few will be "chosen." This is not true. There was only one singled out of the crowd. But, only to represent the colony until the moment you had the key. This time has come.

A piece was almost missed, but now you have them all. Almost lost, if it were not for one brave soul. I have no rewards. All that I can do is share with you all the adventure that he had.

Here is a statement he made for this blog:

I found out about this challenge being in Chicago last night so I was pretty dedicated to do it as soon as I woke up. The problem is I had work, so from about 9 - 10:30 I was working. At 10:30 a.m. I ran next door to Staples and got some iron-on paper. Junk22 made me a really cool TeamXbox logo for the back, and I used the Our Colony ant for the front. You can see the shirt here ( I?m letting anyone who wants one buy it at no profit to myself. Well, about 10:55 my half ironed on shirt, and I went to navy pier, with a pocket pc/phone, ipod, and camera, on me. Glad I didn?t get mugged, they?d have been rich. Got there around 11 and started walking around seeing if any other colonist were there. If they were they sure weren?t very obvious. I got on the phone with 2 guys from the board (gave me there phone numbers the night before) K1LLTACULAR, and Junk22. I try to see if they can see me. Obviously this tourist based website isn?t used to hosting as many people as were on today, so they were obviously having problems seeing me. But finally we verified they saw me, and the waiting game was on. I noticed a middle aged woman there with a larger (studio looking) camera. Didn?t think much of it at the time, but now I think I may should?ve said something to her. Well at about 12:00 a barbershop trio got in front of the stage and began playing their instruments (baritone, clarinet, and banjo.) After about 30 seconds of playing, a guy with the build of Elijah Wood got up on stage behind them. He began shouting, ?I HAVE THE ANSWER. THE ANSWER IS HUMAN ENERGY.? Then he turned the other direction and again said, ?THE ANSWER IS HUMAN ENERGY.? He walk around as to be looking for other colony onlookers. He walked by me to get out and I caught his attention and asked, ?Can you speak to us?? He ignored me and went on his way. Remember all this time I was on the phone, and taking pictures / movies. He began to walk toward the exit, and then proceeded to use his cell phone. He turned around when he put it to his ear and looked at me, and noticed I was filming him. Then turned back around and proceeded to exit the facility. I wasn?t going to follow him considering he probably would?ve thought I was weird, and I believe if he wanted to tell me anything else he would?ve done so when I asked. Anyways the entire txb crew has looked over and ?examined? I should say all my movies and pics. Your welcome too as well? I have them on my site? The movies are below the pics. You are welcome to use any of them in your blog. I have about 50 people added to my msn, and that I work with on new clues (like the ones in your post). But everyone has been really great, I can only hope more of these things happen in Chicago so that I can contribute more.

He would also like to thank you for all for the donations made to his paypal account. However he feels that this is not why he made this effort. It was for the Colony. Any donations made to his account have been and will be donated to the Walgreen's Breast Cancer fund.


Blogger SlipstreamBRO said...

Thanks for putting that up about Luke :) He did a great thing for all of us ;)

Thanks to Luke as well!! ;)


5:49 PM EDT  

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