Meditation, not an escape from life. Simply, ...the soul's preparation for living it.
I begin this the week with many new ideas running around in my head and a new twist on an old observation.
I've been doing massive amounts of research into this project that I am working on. Thinking all the while, "I'm so original!," "No one has done anything like this before." Silly me, I've come to discover that what I'm trying to do is more than 3900 years old. Oh, well. That’s not going to stop me from trying.
This actually makes me feel wonderful. I now know that it would work. I know what people have and have not tried. I’ve also read many theories that completely fly in the face of my own. They also serve to encourage me. Heck, someone has to be the first to try some things.
Now this brings me to the twist. Many times in my life I have noticed, Train Wrecks. Curtain moments, and these can happen in a fraction of a second. A simple blink of the eye, and your world has changed forever. These are deciding occurrences that can happen at any time and any place. I used to think calling them train wrecks fit perfectly. This is no longer true.
Even after the dust has settled, long after your wounds have healed. The truth behind just why things happen, can take a longtime to be revealed.
"Your life is a library, to be filled with your stories" -Rudy Eiler